Written By Mark Herry
Updated on May 25th, 2023
Gmail is the Free email Client provided by Google Inc. and it is currently being used by more than 2 million users around the globe. So, what are Backup Gmail Emails?
This is the Gmail email backup that you need in order to save it for future use or save yourself from Hackers and Data loss. You can always download your data into different formats or transfer it to different Email clients.
Now, we will see what are the reasons that you need to do Google email backup on your device.
Download best CloudMigration Gmail Backup tool to backup Gmail emails with attachement to extenal hard drive.
Now, we will see how to take Gmail emails backup online through various methods.
There are many various methods of backing up your Gmail emails into your PC or hard drive:
Step 1: Log in to your Gmail Account and click on Manage your Google Account
Step 2: Click on Manage your Data and Privacy.
Step 3: Scroll down a little and tap on Download your data bar.
Step 4: Now, you will see this page. Select your preferred option and click on Next Step.
Step 5: Now, choose Your file type, Frequency, and destination as per your need and click on Create export button.
Step 6: Now you are ready to go and Download your Backed up data in your System or External Hard drive if you want.
CloudMigration Gmail Backup Tool is the best solution till now as it is used to backup Google mail to the hard drive to any format or to transfer your emails to any email client in a really easy way.
I hope you understood how to backup Gmail emails with attachments to the external hard drive. There are two different approaches to downloading your Gmail emails. However, I would suggest you use the Professional Method to keep it easy and fast.
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